Never throw out those broken glass ornaments. Instead, put them to good use. I mentioned my friend Tom who used to sell Radko glass ornaments. He moved to Phoenix a few years back and when he left he dropped off a box of broken Radko ornaments. I’m not talking scratch and dent here; I’m talking major chunks missing. Well, rather than just throwing them out, I put them to good use.
I bought an undecorated green wreath and glued the broken ornaments on to the wreath in a way that you could not see where a chunk of it was missing. Once I glued all the ornaments in place, I went back and hot glued in small pieces of glittered permanent greens so that any hint that these ornaments were broken cannot be seen. I’ve had this wreath hanging just inside my front door on a decorative metal trellis for a couple years and no one has ever noticed or known that any of them were broken – unless I pointed it out to them.
Make your day a good one.