What a beautiful weekend – I would call it perfect! As I mentioned in the last posting I tackled one of my summer projects - building a wood raised vegetable garden in my side yard. OK, I know it’s not technically summer, but it seems close enough.
It is not too late to plant warm weather loving vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers or eggplant. I plan on finishing this raised bed in the next ten days or so and that should still give me time to get things planted and growing. I may have tomatoes late this year, but late tomatoes are better than no tomatoes. For those of you followed along last year, you know that I love nothing more than BLT sandwiches with fresh from the garden tomatoes.
I cut all the wood for this project this past weekend and got all the holes dug. Luckily I have great soil with a sand base. The posts are going down about 24 inches or so, which should be enough to keep them in place. The raised bed will be 12’ x 48” and 12” high. It is all made of cedar. When making a raised bed out of wood, you don’t want to use treated lumber.
I’ve attached a few pictures of where I’m at with this project.
Make your day a good one.