Over the weekend, I finished assembling the raised vegetable garden. Once the quickcrete was hard which only took a day – I guess that’s why it is called quickcrete, I screwed the 1x12’s to the post. I then added 2 x4’s around the bottom- right at ground level to give it some additional strength.
When it was all put together, I scraped the grass out of the inside and began filling it with soil. I used a combination of soil that I had from my yard and old soil from some container gardens. Most of it though was filled with composted manure and peat moss. Once I had the soil / manure / peat moss combo within about an inch or so from the top, I spent about half an hour mixing it all together.
I then set the sprinkler to run over the raised bed for about an hour so that the soil would settle a bit before I planted it. All of that took me to late Sunday afternoon. Now, all I have to do is plant it… and then be patient. In 60 days or so, I should have the much-anticipated tomatoes.