Thursday, May 28, 2009


Since Emerald Ash Borer has been found in Saint Paul, I've been getting lots of questions about what trees to plant. There are many options that I list below.

When choosing a tree, one of the most important things to keep in mind is selecting the right tree for the space. Trees not only grow up, but also grow wider. Make sure trees are not planted to close to buildings since they will get much larger. Select the right tree, for the right location for the soil conditions you have.

It's also important that we promote urban forest diversity. We should not be planting just one type of tree in our yards or city blocks filled with just one type of tree. It's more important than ever to mix it up and have a variety of trees.

For more information on planting a tree in clay soils, click here.

For information on planting a tree in sandy and loamy soils, click here.

Trees can loosely be put into two categories - shade and ornamental. Shade trees are those that as their name indicates, make great shade trees while the ornamental trees can give shade but are smaller in size.

Here are a few choices for each. This list is by no means complete. There are many more options than what I can list here.

Shade Trees
    Autumn Gold

    Autumn Blaze

    Green Mountain Sugar

Linden (Basswood)






Ornamental Trees

    Spring Snow


Pagoda Dogwood

Japanese Tree Lilac
    Ivory Silk


Hawthorn Thornless

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