Monday, October 2, 2006

In the Weeks Ahead...

It looks like October out there with the leaves turning yellow, orange and red but the temperatures have been anything but fall like. Don’t take me wrong, I love it – it’s just a little confusing.

Here is a rundown of what I will be doing in my yard in the weeks ahead and a few gentle reminders of some things that should be done.

Plant spring blooming bulbs – this includes tulips, daffodils, crocus and hyacinths - just to name a few. A little effort now yields big rewards when these bulbs are blooming. Nothing says “Welcome Spring" like a bed of tulips.

Fertilize the lawn. This is probably the most important fertilization of the year. If you were only going to fertilize once a year, this is the one that you would want to do. Fertilizing now will send your lawn into the winter with a healthy strong root system and the energy reserves so it takes off in the spring.

Rake the leaves off the lawn. I get asked all the time if it is important to get the leaves off the lawn. The short answer is yes, it is. Leaves mat down on the lawn which can lead to fungus problems come spring. So get out there and rake them up

Watering trees, shrubs and evergreens. It is very important that all plants go into the winter months hydrated. The heat and dry spell of this summer could take its toll on plants if they don’t get enough water. I watered again this weekend and will continue to do so as needed until the ground freezes.

Grass seeding – we are now past the latest time of the year to put down grass seed. If you are still thinking about doing it this year, you have run out of time and excuses. Get out now and get it done – there is still a chance that it will germinate and grow, especially if warmer temperatures stick around.

Make your day a good one.