Friday, April 20, 2007

Spring Cleaning... for the Yard

The weekend is here and weather permitting, it will be time to finish up the early spring yard work.

If you are wondering what you should get done, refer to my last posting. The only thing that I'm adding to the list is putting down a fresh layer of cypress mulch around some of the shrubs and perennials. I have an every other year mulching rotation. Mulching keeps the moisture in the soil so I have to water less and more importantly, it keeps weeds from growing.

It is still too early to put down any crabgrass control and dandelion control - so don't even think of doing either of those yet.

I'm going to spend some time planning out what plants will be planted in my container gardens. I already know what color I will be going with this year and for that, you will have to check back here next week. (That is called a tease.)

Make your weekend a good one.