Tuesday, May 15, 2007

TV Bloopers

Larry, What happened yesterday at the end of that segment? I've heard that over and over the last few days. Well, that is called live TV… a blooper if you will.

First, I was cooking something I’m not used to doing. I had it all planned out and broken down into quick easy steps. Before the newscast began, Brad Satin told me that he was going to walk over from the News Studio to Studio B where he was to sample the fish at the end of the segment. So, while doing the segment, I was keeping an eye out for him. Next thing I know, I’m being told to wrap it up, but where is Brad? Unknown to me, breaking news kept him from walking over. I’m now hearing wrap it up now…this was not what I had planned… quick, end the segment and then silence… silence that seemed like eternity. What to do? Throw your hands up and say, “I’m done.”

I will be back in a few days with more on gardening… this never happens during a garden segment.