Monday, September 25, 2006

Karl Forester

This morning as I looked out of my kitchen window, I noticed as I do almost every morning the graceful Karl Forester grass planted in front of the white picket fence on the hill adjoining my neighbors property. Karl Forester is one of my personal favorites, but there are any number of ornamental grasses that perform well here in zone 4.

Most people only think of ornamental grasses in the fall. This plant looks great all summer, during the fall and I really like how it looks during the winter. The tufts of grass buried in the snow adds lots of interest to the landscape during those long winter months.

The grasses are one of the few perennials that in my opinion look equally good in a perennial garden as well as used in a landscape mixed with shrubs and evergreens.

It’s not too late to add some ornamental grasses to your yard, garden or landscape. Just make sure you keep them well watered until the ground freezes.

Make it a great day!